"When you started talking to people about work at home jobs, you probably got a lot of advice about scams and people out to get you. Those naysayer's may have even convinced you that work at home jobs were nothing but people trying to take your money. From envelope stuffing to MLM, there are a lot of people that are trying to scam you, but for every envelope stuffing scam there are ten legitimate work at home jobs waiting for you to find them. So where do you look for legitimate work at home jobs and how do you know the difference?
You need to start looking for legitimate work at home jobs in some of the same places you look for legitimate jobs. There are plenty of work at home jobs posted on internet job boards and in your classified ads. Depending on your skills or what you want to do at home, you can narrow down your work at home choices."
Read the rest of the article here: Work at Home Jobs.