"College degrees may allow you to earn more money upon graduation, but for some potential students the high cost of paying for college keeps them out of the classroom. Many students are unaware of how to save money on the tuition for college degrees. This lack of knowledge about tuition assistance means that a significant number of students end up paying more for their college degrees than they should have to pay.
Many students are aware of scholarship, grants, and student loans as methods for reducing the cost of college degrees. Student loans are effective, as long as you understand that you have to pay back the loan and you find a well-paying job to help you make your student loan payments each month. Scholarships and grants can be more useful, as you usually do not have to pay them back. However, there can be difficulties if you obtain partial scholarships for your tuition. Some schools offering college degrees will set aside how much in financial aid you can receive in total. If you receive scholarships, they will take that amount out of your total. So your financial aid amount will not go up unless you obtain more in scholarship money. If this is the case, there are other options still available to pay for college degrees.
If you are young and willing, the military is a great way to pay for college degrees. The Reserve Officers Training Corp, or ROTC, offers scholarships that pay for college education. The ROTC scholarships will pay for a significant portion of your college education a long as you serve on active duty in the military upon graduation. If you are willing to serve, college degrees qualify participants for officer status. Veterans are also eligible to pay for their college education via the G.I. Bill. Military Academies also allow you to obtain college degrees for free while earning a monthly stipend."
Read the rest of the article here: College Degrees.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
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