"Network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing (MLM), can be a very successful way to build a home based business. All you need for a good network marketing business is a great product and the ability to develop an upline and a downline. The nice thing about a network marketing business is that you can work on it from just about anywhere and devote as much or as little time to your network marketing business as you choose. When it comes to network marketing, you set your own rules.
There are a lot of promises on the internet when it comes to network marketing, but there are some key points you need to consider when getting into network marketing. With a business as simple as network marketing, you do not need a college degree or special training. You will actually just need to choose a product or service to sell and have the ability to recruit the right people. The benefit is that if you have a good upline, there will be someone to help you through the process."
Read the rest of the article here: Network Marketing.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
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