"If your going to pursue you're dreams of becoming a proofreader do you have what it takes to spot the erors in this sentense? If you are cringing right now because of the multitude of errors in that opener, then you may have a bright future in finding proofreading jobs. There are a number of ways to get started in your proofreading career, and there are a number of ways you can use your skills.
Most people think of newspapers and magazines when they are considering proofreading jobs. However, there are a number of places you can look for proofreading jobs. Many advertising agencies, corporations, and publishers look for qualified proofreaders. Also, a number of students will hire proofreaders to look over their theses and dissertations to minimize errors. There are a number of proofreading jobs out there, but they may not always be proofreading jobs alone."
Read the rest of the article here: Proofreading Jobs.