Saturday, November 18, 2006

Work at Home Business Opportunity

When you are considering a work at home business opportunity you need to know how to choose the right one for you. There are a lot of businesses available to you, and it can sometimes be overwhelming to choose between them. Also, there are scams to look out for and skill considerations. So how does a person sort through all of the factors to find the right work at home business opportunity?

First, it is important to find a work at home business opportunity that works with what you love. What is the point of starting a sales-based business if you hate selling? There is very little point, because you probably will not succeed if you do not like what you are doing. It is too easy to get bored and disconnected from your job. So your first task is to discover what you love.

Read the rest of the article here - Work at Home Business Opportunity.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Legitimate Home Assembly Jobs

Well…no. Virtually all the ads that read “legitimate home assembly jobs” are not really legitimate. Most of these jobs belong in the same category as envelope stuffing jobs. They are advertised as legitimate to draw you in. However, there are some craft jobs that are legitimate, and you need to know the difference.

When you are looking for legitimate home assembly jobs, it can be frustrating, because there are so many people out there waiting to take your money and run. However, do not believe that they are all scams. There are a few legitimate home assembly jobs, but they are harder to find. You really have to be patient and do a lot of research. Use these tell-tale signs to help you tell the difference.

Read the rest of the article here - Legitimate Home Assembly Jobs.

Friday, November 10, 2006


S.M.A.C.K. (Seamless Mass Advertising Competition Killer) is a unique, never seen before marketing MONSTER. What started out as a simple project 2 years ago to help our parent company generate home business leads has turned into a FREAK phenomenon. While building an empire of keyword themed websites we discovered that using a “certain formula” we could CONVERT an exact percentage of visitors to take the desired action we wanted. Meaning…if we got “x” amount of people to a website for “dog food”, a certain number would truly be interested in a home business opportunity. What slipped past us for so long was the simple fact we were not seeing the BIG picture. So laser focused on business only conversions we failed to realize the true potential of what we were creating…a massive network of visitors we could get to do ANYTHING we want. Here lies the opportunity for you to take advantage of this discovery and to help us to take this to a level never seen before.

Read more about SmackPro or Smack Pro here.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Work at Home Business

When you start your work at home business, you probably have not idea about how conflicted you will become about your time. You have this idea that, since it is your business, your time will be completely your own. Yet as your business begins to grow you will find that there is a greater need for effective time management.

One reason that many work at home business owners do not reach their potential for success is that they do not think that effective time management is important. However, it is one of the most important aspects of running any business. While your time is certainly your own, you will find that you have to set priorities and have a good sense or organization so that you do not lose control of your own time.

Read the rest of the article here - Work at Home Business.